Tuesday 23 August 2011

Standing for the cause.

The other day I was going through some foreigner’s analysis report on the current anarchy in the country. Usually I don’t like any non-Pakistani commenting or giving his opinions about Pakistan but his conclusion was apposite. According to him, the problem with Pakistani nation was not religious or social but psychic.
It’s not easy to call a complete nation psycho but if we start analyzing our attitude from the very first day, we would agree with his statement. We have always supported the leader of our own race no matter how asinine he is. It is flabbergasted to realize that we gave votes to the party who had already lost its leadership. We thought we are paying back the prize of its leader’s life but we were actually selling our country in the hands of culprits. We were happy on the coalition of different political parties and on the formation of mutual government but in real we actually love dramas and our ruling party was making most of it. We were contented on the restoration of judiciary without realizing that they have set the biggest example of protest, riots and looting in the history of Pakistan and at present the same judiciary is lost somewhere. They have not come at the front at the present deteriorated law and order situation. But why would anynody do that? Why would anybody unite the racially divided nation?
We, as Pakistani nation, occur in different clusters. We believe in blind love and promises which shatter us. We, at the end of the day, shoot off our own mouth for the same person who once deceived us.  And, yes we don’t have the courage to stand for the right cause. We don’t have the power to save our neighbor from being killed brutally or to protest for him. We don’t have strength to name the real mischief-mockers even when we are persecuted at their hands. We deny the truth that we actually act as puppets and our strings are not even in the hands of our beloved leaders but controlled by the ones for whom we are actually terrorists. They are the real puppeteers as they exactly know how to dramatize our lives.
This is the stage at which we have to realize that the act of revolution cannot be performed, it has to be created and this would not be done by any leader or the political party but should be accomplished by us. We all have to play our own role individually. We have to create guts in ourselves to call right in front of the right and wrong in front of the wrong. Yes, this is the time when we all have to stand up collectively and united for the cause and that cause should not be other than PAKISTAN.