Tuesday 16 August 2011

Its just about your BELIEF.

This article doesn’t mean to renounce anybody’s belief nor does it point towards any particular race, cast, creed or religion. It is apropos to my teacher’s article “Be a Universal person”. I think we all should be a universal person especially when we all believe in a God who is Universal.
The group of monks in Bangkok collectively prayed in their temple for the eradication of water which was rising from the sea and which could have taken the city with itself. Their prayers were answered and finally the sea level stopped rising. Now the question is who was the God that answered the prayers of those monks? If He would have been the God of other religion, I am sure the payers of the monks, would have not been answered but they were. He is the God of entire mankind. I call him Allah, he calls him Jesus, she calls him Bhagwan and so on.
Similarly, all the pandits of India were gathered together to pray for Indian team in semi-final of the cricket world cup 2011. On the contrary, all the Muslim’s molvis jointly prayed for Pakistani team. The special prayers also took place in several mosques but at the end of the day, India won. It doesn’t mean that God was in their favor and it also doesn’t mean that their religion is only right. It just means that their prayers were stronger than our prayers, the fate supported them and they finally made most of it.
Thus, the matter of fact is, it’s just about one’s beliefs. It’s about the strength of the faith one has on the God. The God is same for everyone. He answers everyone but at the same time He sees one’s devotion and intention towards him and all these things come from firm belief. He is my God and at the same time he is the God of my neighbor. He answers me and at the same time he will also answer the one who will call Him with all his beliefs, no matter what name he gives Him after all he is the universal GOD.


  1. That's true, God is universal. He is Rabbul Aalameen but not Rabbul Muslimeen

  2. completely true, but winning the match i think is not because their prayers were stronger than ours or what. Yes Fate may be supported them, but according to me, they played well, they got what they deserved. You said very well that God listens to every one wdr he is Muslim, Cristian, Jew, Hindu or any one else..

  3. Thanks for your comment Mujtaba. you are right. They got what they deserved but who made Indian team deserve this. It was their luck. who made their luck? obviously, God. It was God who answered their prayers and provided them the platform where they could perform well. If God would not have been in their favor, things had not turned down the way they did. As other day we were discussing in class that hands that help and lips that pray, both are important. This is what I think :)

  4. Mashallah Well done Madiha :) Have a look at my page aswell :P

  5. thats right they have strong belief on their God and what we were doing on that time just sending useless sms to every one
    a astrologer's parrot had picked a card that Pakistan will win the finals
    thta what, they bleaved on their Bhagwan and they won n we just bleaved on that messages and we lost
    i think
    they have strong belief than us.......
