Tuesday 14 February 2012


Think, think again, think once again, and now create it. Yes, you are an engineer. Let’s reach the peak of it. I would not initiate my article by defining the intradisciplinary fields of Bio-Medical neither would I tell you that Bio-Medical merges medical and technology on one platform. I would not discuss an ongoing research in some renowned university of USA neither would I talk about the pioneers of this field. I am here just to make your vision more broad, make your sight more accurate and appropriate and make you look at the other side of this picture. Pioneers had done what they had to, scientists have resources, field has started and being studied but this is the time of brainstorming that what else can be done, what else can be performed and how the field can be more enhanced.

Technology and innovation are interrelated with each other. If you differentiate innovation, you derive technology and if you integrate technology, resultant will be innovation. It is since the beginning that Bio-Medical has the close relationship with technology and innovation. Thus, the core point of this article is to create an innovator among us. What is done, is being done, cannot be done again. Let’s try something new. Discuss your ideas and make them bright. Find one inspiration and create your own. Study it and elaborate it with your own ways. Grasp the thoughts, conceive the plans and highlight them. Indulge yourself in research and revolutionize them. Thus, dream up and make up, think of it and do it.

This field is not about studying theory and cramming syllabus. To understand the technique and generate your own logic is the theme of this field. To uplift your ideas, originate something new and to create your own identity is the motto of this field. So let’s join our hands together and welcome each other in the world of technology, in the sea of ideas and in the jumble of innovation. Let’s begin our day with the conception and let’s end it by accomplishing it. Let’s be the technical, let’s be the innovator and let’s be the part of Bio-Medical world. Good luck J