Friday 17 August 2012

Thirst of a life

~It’s the coffin I am in~
~Every nail in it taking my breath~
~Darkness has overcome my sight~
~I was but now I am no more alive~
~running blood, sewn needle~
~and the touch of the burnt coal~
~It’s the part of the death~
~or the conscious of my soul~
~a rope is wrapping along my feet~
~every sting of it drowning my beat~
~it’s a venom or a bite of a snake~
~nothing lesser than the nibble of a hake~
~shrugging my shoulder, moving my toes~
~raising my wrapped feet~
~just a failed try or unable to feel the heat~
~loosened my feet, numbed my senses, closed my eyes~
~for running away from death, for the thirst of a life~

My condition is not better than the person, counting his last breaths on his death bed. Yes, I am a Pakistani and I have a thirst of life. Sitting in the nook, evaluating myself, assessing entire 23 years, counting gains, subtracting profit and what I am left with is the turnover of the last couple of years.  
Let’s end this identification problems phase here and get into the accountability phase. Who is responsible for this? Pakistan? Obviously, not. Strategically marked land on the map of world has got nothing to do with it. It doesn’t even know what is being done to its resources and ornaments which were once a part of it. Who else is responsible for this? Circumstances and surroundings? Yes, they are responsible for this. We are into the accountability phase today. Let me ask myself. Who has created these circumstances where I am feeling myself lying on the death bed? Who has created this surrounding when my hands are tied up that I cannot move an inch to refrain myself from the stings of other creatures? Who has created this atmosphere where I am unable to run away from death and all what I am striving for is to quench my thirst of life? It’s me. It’s no one else but it’s me.
I call myself a Pakistani, I celebrate green day with zest and enthusiasm but then for the rest of the year I consider myself belonging to one of the provinces of Pakistan. I support the people of my cast and creed. I give my prop to the political party of my language no matter how asinine they have proved themselves in the past and how much I myself have suffered in their own era. I fight for the division of my own province where I have not got my due rights and I am not ready to accept the existence of other casts too. In order to gain people’s attention, I portray myself more religious in the month of Ramadan. I lie, sometimes to my own self as well, but when it comes to giving sadka and Khairat, I pay heavy amount. Have-nots around me pray for my long life but at the same time my siblings are unhappy with me for not giving them due rights in our forefather’s property. I love dramas and media of my country knows how to make most of it. I regularly see Astaghfar shows in Ramadan and would proudly be the part of the protest against them. In order to avoid standing in the long queue for paying utility bills, I pay an extra amount to some peon. I don’t pay tax until or unless administration of my society sends me warning letter twice. Trash can is too far away from my house so I prefer throwing garbage to my neighbor’s door step. My child got sick and could not appear in SSC’s exam but due to my influence and sources, he secured 85%. I have got job with GPA of 2.7 because the CEO of the company was my dad’s fellow. I cannot abide by the rules and regulations of driving in my country but I don’t forget to wear seat belts whenever I drive in abroad. Last but not the least, my competitor will always be the most corrupted guy and I won’t miss any chance of creating conspiracies against him.
That’s me and I still believe that Pakistan has given me nothing. It’s the accountability day today. I am asking myself, what have I given to Pakistan? It’s not me who is lying in coffin. It is Pakistan who is striving for the thirst of life. 

Friday 1 June 2012

Linguistically Divided Youth

Khatam kerdo mayosi or sab nafraten dil se
Dil rab ka ghar he, aastanae iblees nahi

Somebody asked me to define Pakistani youth, I got fumbled with the tornado of the variety of delineations that arose in my mind and then I realized these are basically not the definitions but the demarcations which have torn the nation into pieces.
Rest of the article might repel you from reading my next write ups but I penned down what I see as hurdle in the success of youth.
Pakistan ka matlab kya La Ilaha Ilalha.
The entire slogan was enough to define the ideology of Pakistan which was based on nothing but to provide one platform to the Muslims. However, tactlessly that one platform has been divided into many on the provincial rather linguistic basis.
I agree that it was legitimate to divide Pakistan into provinces and then injustice happened to almost all those provinces. I coincide that due to biased and arrogant ruling strategy of our rulers, massive anarchy which took place time by time in almost all parts of the country, ended up taking lives of many and created a feeling of hatred in the citizens. I also agree that few provinces could not get their due rights which they actually deserved. But, for the time being, if we widen our vision and imprecise our patience, we would realize that this linguistic discrimination has given us an inoperable slash which has consequently become a benign tumor.
The obstacle, hindrance and torture which our forefathers endured have inculcated this perception into our youth that the only cure left is to take the revenge and ask for the separate province and as a result, now, students in universities and colleges raise slogans and call names to the other provinces, riots get broken out and even students, belonging to different races, are not permitted to attend classes and this ban is implicated not by the administration but from different political parties. In retort of which, commencement of hostility occurs from the opposite race too and this consequently gives us nothing but boycotts of classes and strikes. I am not pointing towards any particular race, cast or creed but if we look at the bigger picture of the aftermath then this is not affecting our forefathers or ancestors who have already lived their lives, this is not affecting our leaders whose motto is nothing but to steal money from Pakistan and transfer it to their swiss accounts. This is affecting the youth of Pakistan i.e. us.

The above shown image is extracted from social networking website. It was found in the first search. This is our representation on the international platform. Any non-Pakistani, visiting this page, would not blame Sindhi, Balochi, Pathani or Pujabi but Pakistani and he is far better than us in a sense that at least he is the person who is taking as entirely one nation.
Have you ever heard about languages of different states of America, forms of Chinese being spoken in China, linguistic riots being broken out in new york or anyone in England asked for a separate county?

We all know the answers within ourselves. He calls himself Sindhi in school, his domicile declares him Punjabi, his accent proves him Pathan and he carries himself in the attrie of Balochi. Who is Pakistani here? It is forlorn to write but I, being the youth of Pakistan, don’t call myself Pakistani and my generation won’t even remember the name of Pakistan. 

Monday 14 May 2012

Youth and Education

Some of the bacteria lurked into my throat, incurred cell growth, worsened my immune system and irrevocably left me with no voice. This is the present condition of the youth of Pakistan. Today’s headline which concocted my mind to blog on the youth was ‘Students manhandled teachers when they refrained them from cheating’.

The sixteen years of my education have apprehended this fact to me that the youth of Pakistan is divided into two sects. The factor which makes them fall into two distinctive categories is nothing but the education standard, rather different hues of education prevailing in the current era. Here, the catastrophe is Pakistan doesn’t have its own specified education criteria. Education in the primary and secondary level is either Cambridge system or the Pakistan board system which is further divided on provincial levels. Fortunately or unfortunately, I have been a part of both. Moreover, my secondary school used to offer two board exams simultaneously, Punjab and Sindh, so somehow I have seen the difference densely. It is very remorseful to write here and I won’t prefer any non-Pakistani to read this blog but Pakistan boards have given us nothing but cramming and cheating. This is the consequence of the malfunction of Pakistani education system that students end up hustling and jostling their invigilators if they are not allowed to cheat. Here, the point of concern is what forces them to do this? Obviously, they are neither being taught this nor it is present in Pakistani curriculum. Ask any question to a student from Cambridge board, he would give answers and would justify his answer with logics and reasons. On the other hand, if you would ask same thing to someone from Pakistan board, his instant reply would be, Oh! We have not been taught this or this is out of our syllabus

Now, if we go to the university level, the criterion of admission in every university is different. Few universities have quota system due to which students with the urban domicile have to face tough competition for the entrance exam and many of them loose their seats albeit they score higher than the students from rural areas. Political influence in few renowned universities has made the education system worse. Sometimes, studying in such universities make you feel that pariah system is still a part of the sub-continent and nothing has changed in these 65 years when you hear linguistic riots broken out in the domes.

Just after the university, practical life becomes much more biased for more than half of the students. Graduates from few top burger universities of Pakistan get jobs as the pieces of cakes and rest of the students spend their days and nights stipulating in front of companies and industries to hire them. This sounds funny but these are the students who take IELTS and GRE exams, get scholarships, go abroad, serve other nations and when they are questioned for not being in Pakistan, their reaction is, ‘Pakistan mein rakha kya he’. I, sometimes, but this is just sometimes, consider their stance to be justified.

I am not here to identify the different standards of education but at this stage I am more concerned about what we actually have now and what these different fonts have given us. Neither the entire write up points toward the flaws of the youth nor does it say that whatever happens is due to teachers or the courseware being taught in Pakistan board. The problem is with the system and the woeful truth is that we are the ones who have made this system, we are the ones who have let the system prevail and affect our youth and we are the ones who are left with no voice and gesture to stand against it. 

Saturday 14 April 2012

Sometimes, at the back of my mind.

Finally, it is 6 now. I know nobody was there to wake me up in the morning today. I still remember myself as brat when making me go to school was the toughest task I used to give to my dad. School, college, university and now work, I was a grown up guy now but sometimes growing up doesn’t mean you are mature but no I guess it does. It actually reveals certain realities and bitter facts of life which one could never understand being child. Yes, I was a child and I still wanted to be a child.

‘You are a sophomore now and it’s the time when you should understand that life is a race divided into laps of time. You have been running for long but now laps are going to be difficult. Sometimes, you will have to sacrifice your needs and goals according to the twist and turns of the road. Sometimes, looking back will give you nothing but tickling anguish in your heart. Sometimes, betrayals, sarcasm and biased attitude will make your living obnoxious. Sometimes, fighting for the right cause will diminish your relations. Sometimes, you will be mocked for pleasure. Sometimes, for the sake of nothing, you will lose your loved ones. Sometimes, your own reflections will bother you. Sometimes you will look bizarre to your own self. Sometimes, your antics will be questioned. Sometimes, the tough time would deflect your faith. Sometimes, you will wait for a moment to feel a real giggle in your heart. Sometimes,’

Alarm tone grabbed me back to present. ‘Yes dad, sometimes, you look for the reason of your existence. Sometimes, you look for the right place for your soul and you find nothing but the silence of your inner’. I said it to myself, turned off the alarm clock and bucked myself up for the new time of that some of the times.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

This Time for MUET TROLLS

Let’s take a paranormal tour to MUET TROLLS. 

Yes, having the name of my university, there are trolls. After spending couple of years in MUET, I have a secret conviction that I am being graduated from the place where nothing could be learnt without trolls. crossing IT building, visiting ITC’s, standing near the cart of makai wala pathan, buying ice cream at audi and yes how can I forget our oldie goldie brohi’s canteen, thus, no place is left where we could stand without cracking jokes, mugging our own friends, ragging our juniors, staring the hotties, whistling at our crushes and then fighting for mera wala, tera wala and meri wali, teri bhabi. And then our forefather’s ritual, BOYCOTTS, the most awaited moment by us where we could poke our teachers and give them the lolling gesture.

Wasn't that closed enough? :))

And then few, le derps, finally came up with the idea of MUET TROLLS, the social platform where we love to mock ourselves and pull many legs together publically. Our monsters, Mehran Khan and Faizan Mateen, oops sorry guys, our lovely admins of MUET TROLLS have made us realize conclusively that even we are Engineers, we hardly clear Calculus, Differential and NACA our biggest nightmares but we still have something special with us i.e. our sense of Humor. We laugh at others and then we laugh violently at our own selves. Yes, are Mehranians and yes we, all together, are the part of MUET TROLLS. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Think, think again, think once again, and now create it. Yes, you are an engineer. Let’s reach the peak of it. I would not initiate my article by defining the intradisciplinary fields of Bio-Medical neither would I tell you that Bio-Medical merges medical and technology on one platform. I would not discuss an ongoing research in some renowned university of USA neither would I talk about the pioneers of this field. I am here just to make your vision more broad, make your sight more accurate and appropriate and make you look at the other side of this picture. Pioneers had done what they had to, scientists have resources, field has started and being studied but this is the time of brainstorming that what else can be done, what else can be performed and how the field can be more enhanced.

Technology and innovation are interrelated with each other. If you differentiate innovation, you derive technology and if you integrate technology, resultant will be innovation. It is since the beginning that Bio-Medical has the close relationship with technology and innovation. Thus, the core point of this article is to create an innovator among us. What is done, is being done, cannot be done again. Let’s try something new. Discuss your ideas and make them bright. Find one inspiration and create your own. Study it and elaborate it with your own ways. Grasp the thoughts, conceive the plans and highlight them. Indulge yourself in research and revolutionize them. Thus, dream up and make up, think of it and do it.

This field is not about studying theory and cramming syllabus. To understand the technique and generate your own logic is the theme of this field. To uplift your ideas, originate something new and to create your own identity is the motto of this field. So let’s join our hands together and welcome each other in the world of technology, in the sea of ideas and in the jumble of innovation. Let’s begin our day with the conception and let’s end it by accomplishing it. Let’s be the technical, let’s be the innovator and let’s be the part of Bio-Medical world. Good luck J